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IMS Dorm Cleaning and Laundry Services! Writer : Dayoung

I'm going to introduce you the cleaning and laundry service today!


IMS Academy helps the students to focus on studies by cleaning our dorm!

When I first came, the staff came in twice a week without notice, but for the safety purpose, the cleaning now is done during the time of students' request.

You have to go to the admin office and sign up on the request form.

You can also check the staff who cleaned your room!


2 housekeeping staffs come to the room as a team at the designated time and clean the room and the bathroom.

At least one student has to stay in the room to check and confirm the cleaning service was done.


If you want to change the bedding, you can tell the housekeeping staff or request at the office.

I put the sticky notes on the door when I forgot to request in advance.

Housekeeping team doesn't touch students' belongings so you don't have to worry about losing your stuff.


Laundry is another convenient service provided by IMS!

Students can use the laundry service three times a week - Monday, Wednesday, Friday for the guys and Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday for the girls.

You can choose when to bring the laundry : morning, afternoon and evening.

I brought laundry pouch from home and it came in real handy (especially for underwear and delicate material clothings).


You have to fill out the laundry checklist to prevent items missing.

Tip : Count the items before you go, because it can be a bit awkward to go through your laundry in front of the staff...


It's really convenient because you can get your laundry done every other day!

Laundry drop area is right next to the cafeteria so you can just drop them when you go for the meal.



