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Student stories

After 4 + 8 weeks in IMS Writer : Moon Jin Ha

This was written by the student and not changed at all. It was translated in English from Korean. 


I studied for 4 weeks in IMS in June, and was satisfied with studying in IMS. So, I came back to study once more for 8 weeks.


It was difficult to speak to foreigners, but I could get used to it after 4 weeks. However, after studying for 8 more weeks, the range of vocabulary I use has been significantly improved. I think it’s thanks to teacher Carl and manager Song. Song didn’t always tell me off but encouraged me. It helped me make my own decisions for the study plan and future. He always passionately took care of me. Manager Ellie and other multinational managers also cared about me, asking whether I’m fine with a burn on my leg. They always gave me a piece of advice on the treatment on the burn as well. The food in the dormitory was much better than before. I liked Korean-style pancakes most. Teachers in Ayala centre were affectionate. The study space was always air-conditioned. I was so happy with the extension of the curfew time for minors (juniors). One cockroach was found in my room, however, maintenance people filled the hole with silicon. There was no more insects in my room.


Thanks to IMS, I had a lot of lovely memories. I’m pretty sure that I’ll be back here again soon in the future.





6월 첫 방문했을 때 IMS가 정말 만족스러워서 4주연수 후 재 입학하였다.

6 4주연수 했을 땐 외국인과 대화한다는 두려움만 어느정도 사라졌지만 이번에 8주 연수 한 후에는 사용할 수 있는 단어 폭이 넓어졌다. 토익으로 이끌어준 쏭쌤과 T.Carl 덕분인 것 같다. 송쌤은 항상 당근과 채찍을 번갈아가면서 줬다. 그래서 내 진짜 선택으로 길을 만들 수 있게 이끌어 주셨고, 귀찮으실 법 한 일도 열정적으로 도와주시고 신경 써 주셨다. 엘리쌤이나 한양학원 대표님과 다른 나라 매니저 분들도 제 작은 화상 근황을 계속 물어서 신경써주시고 치료방법도 신경써주셨다. 밥도 전보다 훨씬 맛있었다. 팬케이크가 제일 좋았당. 아얄라 선생님들도 여전히 유쾌하고 거리감없이 대해주셨고, 미성년자 통금이 늘어난 것이 가장  편했다. 스터디룸은 에어컨도 빵빵해서 돈없어서 카페 못 갈 때 가서 공부하기 좋았다
